What should you take into account when paying your taxes in 2023?Experts present recommendations to adequately comply with tax obligations. In the second quarter of the year, many of the due dates for the payment of tax obligations of natural persons begin, and taking into account the dates, the way to present your taxes, as well as other recommendations, are … Read More
Reduced working hours: what you should know about this regulation
Reduced working hours: what you should know about this regulationThis week the law that gradually decreases working hours in Colombia came into effect. Solve your most frequent doubts. Ponte en contacto Cualquiera que sea tu pregunta, nuestro equipo te orientará en la dirección correcta. Iniciar conversación Regístrate para recibir boletines informativos Correo electrónico* Al enviar su dirección de correo electrónico, … Read More
Obligations of the transfer pricing regime
Obligations of the transfer pricing regimeDirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN) The Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN) published Resolution 1210 of 2022* which establishes the applicable procedure for the presentation of transfer pricing regime obligations through the entity’s computer and electronic services. This includes the information to be supplied by the obligated taxpayers and the format with … Read More